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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
This Months Entries: 5
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maker (3 entries)
squiz (2 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 10 )
squiz (Stoke Factor: 6 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

12th October 2011
Mt. Biking: Canal du Midi and Canal de Jonchon-France
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny and hot
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 16.81 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Wednesday 12th Oct 2011 – bike (Canal du Midi and Canal de Jonchon) 16.81 n/miles – sunny and hot.
Only one week to go! Noooooooo:( Our 5th night at Peyraic a record for one spot :) In the night the moon shining on the etang was so bright and we were thrilled to see some young flamingos feeding right outside the van and bats flying nearly in the door at one stage!!! Repeated the whole thing at sunrise because they were still there:) Exercises and breakfast then with the etang like a mill pool and no wind we set off along the etangs to Bages and Narbonne and on to the Canal du Midi at Paraza because I had seen there was an aquaduct there. We packed a picnic and biked along the tow path across the aquaduct and on to Ventenac en Minervois where we stopped by the bridge just as the most enormous articulated lorry with a fork lift on the back got stuck on the very narrow bridge. The driver got out, took the fork lift off the back and proceeded to lift the trailer up move it a bit and repeat until it was straight enough to go across. Then he bumped up the high kerb and tilted over so much we thought he was going to crash over the side! He did it though and had quite an audience by the end including 2 Gendarmes complete with guns who didn’t seem at all bothered and just watched! Amazingly nobody leant on their horns either!! We cycled on to Port la Robine, where the Canal du Robine, via the Canal de Jonction, meets the du Midi. This was not at all scenic and quite industrial but Le Somail, just before, was lovely and we visited the tourist information there. We had our picnic watching an English couple negotiating one of the many locks along the Jonction. The guy really whacked the gate on the way out and then barely stopped and expected his wife to jump on! Hilarious. We saw them several more times on our trip to where the Canal meets the river Aude. We cycled back from Salleles d’Aude along the roads until we joined the Canal du Midi again just short of the van. About 20 miles in total :) We drove to our favourite place to stop on the Canal, the Ecluses de l’Aiguille (we have stayed here several times and still got lost on the way in!). We had coffee and some really hard almond biscuits from our bakery in Peyreic – very nice :) I took some photos and we read our books before going for a walk along the canal and the vineyard by the lock. A good day – the wind was teasing again, it picked up and seemed breezy enough to sail but it is so hard to tell inland! Discovered later by texting Peter that it wouldn’t have been strong enough for me to sail with the gear I have got here so am happy about that. Have texted Rob for a forecast for the rest of the week before deciding what to do next.

Check out photos on Facebook :) =c817137869&type=1 l=4f3333d9fa&type=1 ype=1&l=5552812a20

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